RacerLux 60-32

✔15G black nylon-lycra with black supper  thiner foam nitrile with black foam nitrile fully coating glove. Sinthetic glove,  nitrile foam.
✔Soft feel lining.
✔Excellent dexterity, sensivity and tactility.
✔Good grip and fit.
✔Extended protection and precision handling in oil, greasy and dirty environments.
✔Easy on and off flexibility between tasks.
✔Gloves are suitable for multi-purpose use.
✔Water resistant.

ScandiLux 60-52

15G orange polyester shell + 10G orange terry acrylic brushed double layer with black supper thinner foam nitrile fully coating.
Water resistant glove
for cold and wet conditions.
✔Very soft liner, to protect against cold, ensuring superior insulation.
✔Ideally suited to tasks where workers need protection from the cold.
✔Knit wrist helps to prevent dirt and debris from entering glove.
✔Excellent abrasion resistance equal to heavier gloves.
✔Maximum flexibility and dexterity (level 5).